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Maulānā Muhammad Fazlur Rahmān Ansārī (rahimahullah)

  1. FRA – Beyond Death | Google Drive
  2. FRA – Foundations of Faith | Google Drive
  3. FRA – Islam To The Modern Mind | Google Drive
  4. FRA – Islam vs Marxism | Google Drive
  5. FRA – Muhammad saw Our Guide | Google Drive
  6. FRA – Position of Woman in Islam | Google Drive
  7. FRA – Quranic Foundation and Structure of Muslim Society | Google Drive
  8. FRA – Relevant Metaphysical Problems | Google Drive
  9. FRA – Tazkiyah and Islamic Leadership | Google Drive
  10. FRA – The Hajj Its Spiritual And Social Significance | Google Drive
  11. FRA – Through Science and philosophy to religion | Google Drive

Sheikh Imran Nazar Hosein

  1. Ceramah Sheikh Imran – Islam dan Akhir Sejarah | Google Drive
  2. Ceramah Sheikh Imran – Islam dan Uang Masa Depan | Google Drive
  3. Ceramah Sheikh Imran – Khidr dan Akhir Zaman | Google Drive
  4. Ceramah Sheikh Imran – Pernikahan dalam Islam | Google Drive
  5. Imran N. Hosein – A Muslim Response to the Attack on America | Google Drive
  6. Imran N. Hosein – Al Kahfi – Teks, Terjemah, & Tafsir Modern | Google Drive
  7. Imran N. Hosein – Al Quds in The Quran | Google Drive
  8. Imran N. Hosein – Al Qur’an dan Dimensi Waktu | Google Drive
  9. Imran N. Hosein – Al Qur’an,Ekonomi dan Kriminalitas | Google Drive
  10. Imran N. Hosein – An Islamic View of Gog and Magog in the Modern Age | Google Drive
  11. Imran N. Hosein – Apakah Khilafah Sunni Benar-benar Direstorasi di Irak | Google Drive
  12. Imran N. Hosein – Dinar Emas dan Dirham Perak, Islam dan Uang Masa depan | Google Drive
  13. Imran N. Hosein – Dreams in Islam | Google Drive
  14. Imran N. Hosein – Dajjāl, The Qur’ān and Awwal Al-Zamān | Google Drive
  15. Imran N. Hosein – Explaining Israel Mysterious Agenda | Google Drive
  16. Imran N. Hosein – Fasting and Power | Google Drive
  17. Imran N. Hosein – George Bernhard Shaw and the Islamic Scholar | Google Drive
  18. Imran N. Hosein – Ihsan Spiritualisme Islam | Google Drive
  19. Imran N. Hosein – In Search of Khidr’s footprints in Akhir al-Zaman | Google Drive
  20. Imran N. Hosein – Iqbāl And Pakistan’s Moment Of Truth | Google Drive
  21. Imran N. Hosein – ISIS dan Israel Raya | Google Drive
  22. Imran N. Hosein – Islam and Buddhism in the Modern World | Google Drive
  23. Imran N. Hosein – Islam and the Future of Money | Google Drive
  24. Imran N. Hosein – Islam,PBB dan Tatanan Dunia Baru | Google Drive
  25. Imran N. Hosein – Islamic Travelogue 1428-9 | Google Drive
  26. Imran N. Hosein – Jerusalem in the Quran | Google Drive
  27. Imran N. Hosein – Khidr dan Akhir Zaman | Google Drive
  28. Imran N. Hosein – Khilafah, Hijaz dan Negara Bangsa Saudi Wahabi | Google Drive
  29. Imran N. Hosein – Larangan Riba dalam Al Quran dan Sunnah | Google Drive
  30. Imran N. Hosein – Madinah Kembali Menjadi Pusat Panggung Dunia pada Zaman Akhir | Google Drive
  31. Imran N. Hosein – Methodology for Study of the Quran | Google Drive
  32. Imran N. Hosein – Metodologi untuk Mempelajari Al-Qur’an | Google Drive
  33. Imran N. Hosein – Satu Amir Satu Jama’ah | Google Drive
  34. Imran N. Hosein – Sebuah Pandangan Islam Mengenai Yajuj dan Majuj pada Zaman Modern | Google Drive
  35. Imran N. Hosein – Signs Of The Last Day In The Modern Age | Google Drive
  36. Imran N. Hosein – Súrah Al-Kahf and the Modern Age | Google Drive
  37. Imran N. Hosein – Sūrah Al-Kahf Arabic Text – Translation And Modern Commentary | Google Drive
  38. Imran N. Hosein – Surat al-Kahfi dan Zaman Modern | Google Drive
  39. Imran N. Hosein – The Caliphate, The Hijaz and the Saudi Wahabi Nation State | Google Drive
  40. Imran N. Hosein – The Prohibition of Riba in Quran and Sunnah | Google Drive
  41. Imran N. Hosein – The Strategic Significance of the Fast of Ramadaan, the Isra’ and the Mi’raj | Google Drive
  42. Imran N. Hosein – Yerusalem dalam Al-Quran | Google Drive


  1. Muhammad (peace be upon him) – The Charter of Medina – Meethaag Medina – The First Written Constitution Of Human History (1)| Google Drive
  2. Ahmad Soekarno [ra] – Undang Undang Penarikan Diri RI dari IMF dan World Bank (UU no.1 Th 1966) | Google Drive
  3. al-Baghdadi Detainee File | Google Drive
  4. Amy F. Woolf – Conventional Prompt Global Strike and Long-Range Ballistic Missiles – background and issues (1) | Google Drive
  5. Andrew Carrington Hitchock – The Synagogue of Satan | Google Drive
  6. Antony C. Sutton – Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution | Google Drive
  7. Arthur Koestler – 13th Tribe | Google Drive
  8. Arthur Koestler – Promise and Fulfilment Palestine 1917-1948 | Google Drive
  9. Arthur Koestler – Thirteenth Tribe The Khazar Empire and its Heritage | Google Drive
  10. Benjamin. H. Freedman – Facts are Facts – The Truth About Khazars | Google Drive
  11. Benjamin. H. Freedman – The Hidden Tyranny | Google Drive
  12. Berdyaev Nicolas – Christianity and anti-semitism | Google Drive
  13. BRICS a New Global Power in the Making | Google Drive
  14. Carrol Quigley – Anglo American Establishment | Google Drive
  15. Christopher Hollis – The Breakdown of Money | Google Drive
  16. Cresson H Kearny – Nuclear War Survival Skills | Google Drive
  17. David B. Christ – Reza Kahlili – Inside Iran_s Revolutionary Guard | Google Drive
  18. David Livingstone – Surrendering Islam | Google Drive
  19. Defense Intelligence Agency – ISIS | Google Drive
  20. Douglas Reed – The Controversy of Zion | Google Drive
  21. Dr. Andreades – History Bank England | Google Drive
  22. Dr. Carl Sagan – The Nuclear Winter – The World After Nuclear War | Google Drive
  23. Dr. John J. Mearsheimer, Dr. Stephen M. Walt – The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy | Google Drive
  24. Dunlop, D.M – The History of the Jewish Khazars | Google Drive
  25. Edward Mcnall Burns – Western Civilizations | Google Drive
  26. English Renaissance | Google Drive
  27. F. William Engdahl – A Century of War; Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order | Google Drive
  28. F. William Engdahl – Full Spectrum Dominance; Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order | Google Drive
  29. F. William Engdahl – Gods of Money | Google Drive
  30. F. William Engdahl – Myths, Lies and Oil Wars | Google Drive
  31. F. William Engdahl – Seeds of Destruction | Google Drive
  32. F. William Engdahl – How IMF Methods Destroyed Indonesia – 1998 | Google Drive
  33. F. William Engdahl – Target; China; How Washington and Wall Street Plan to Cage the Asian Dragon | Google Drive
  34. F. William Engdahl – The Lost Hegemon; Whom the Gods would Destroy | Google Drive
  35. FAS – Chinese Nuclear Forces and US Nuclear War Planning | Google Drive
  36. FAS – Global Strike Report – A Chronology of the Pentagon_s New Offensive Strike Plan | Google Drive
  37. FAS – Russian Nuclear Forces Status – 2015 | Google Drive
  38. FAS – The Effects of Nuclear War | Google Drive
  39. FAS – Understanding the Dragon Shield – Likelihood and Implications of Chinese Strategic Ballistic Missile Defense | Google Drive
  40. FAS – US Nuclear Forces Status – 2015 | Google Drive
  41. Fletcher Prouty – The Secret Team | Google Drive
  42. Hans M. Kristensen – Obama and the Nuclear War Plan | Google Drive
  43. Hans M. Kristensen – US Nuclear Weapon in Europe | Google Drive
  44. Hans M. Kristensen – US War Planning After 9-11 | Google Drive
  45. Hasil-Penelurusan-Arsip-Rahasia-Pemerintah-AS-Australia-1 | Google Drive
  46. Homer E. Newell – A Recommended National Program of Wheater Modification – US Geoengineering | Google Drive
  47. IMF – Supported Programs in Indonesia, Korea, and Thailand – 1998 | Google Drive
  48. Israel Shahak – The Jewish History | Google Drive
  49. Jack B. Tenney – Zion’s Fifth Column | Google Drive
  50. Jacob Burckhardt – The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy | Google Drive
  51. James Petras – The Power of Israel in the United States | Google Drive
  52. John Coleman – The Rothschild Dynasty | Google Drive
  53. John Perkins – Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (Bahasa Indonesian) | Google Drive
  54. Josh Pollack – Saudi Arabia and USA | Google Drive
  55. Lucas Henry S – The Renaissance And Reformation | Google Drive
  56. Margarete Klein – Russia_s New Military Doctrine – NATO, the United States and the Colour Revolutions | Google Drive
  57. Marshal Poe – Moscow The Third Rome | Google Drive
  58. Matthew G. McKinzie – US Nuclear War Plan – Ch. 1 & Ch.2 – A Time for Change | Google Drive
  59. Matthew G. McKinzie – US Nuclear War Plan – Ch. 3 – The NRDC Nuclear War Simulation Model | Google Drive
  60. Matthew G. McKinzie – US Nuclear War Plan – Ch. 4 – Attacking Russias Nuclear Forces | Google Drive
  61. Matthew G. McKinzie – US Nuclear War Plan – Ch. 5 – Attacking Russian Cities | Google Drive
  62. Matthew G. McKinzie – US Nuclear War Plan – End – Conclusions and Policy Recommendations | Google Drive
  63. Michael Sunstar & Robin Loxley – Satanic Illuminati Bloodlines | Google Drive
  64. Michel Chossudovsky – Who Are The Architects Of Economic Collapse | Google Drive
  65. Mike Billington – The IMF Goes In For the Kill in Indonesia and Philipine – 2001 | Google Drive
  66. Missile Defense Agency – BMDS Fact Sheet | Google Drive
  67. Mörzer Bruijns Johannes Anton Frederik – Israel, Europe and the anglo-saxons | Google Drive
  68. Muammar al-Qaddafi – The Green Book | Google Drive
  69. Nancy Alexander – The Roles of the IMF, the World Bank, and the WTO in Liberalization and Privatization of the Water Services Sector | Google Drive
  70. Noam Chomsky – 5 Books | Google Drive
  71. Oded Yinon – The Zionist Plan for the Middle East | Google Drive
  72. Office of Naval Inteligence – Ballistic & Cruise Missile Threat | Google Drive
  73. OPEC and the Seven Sisters | Google Drive
  74. Robert M. Cornejo – When Soekarno Sought The Bomb | Google Drive
  75. Salim T.S Al Hassani – 1001 Inventions The Enduring Legacy of Muslim Civilization | Google Drive
  76. Sarwar A. Kasmeri – NATO and EU Common Security Defence | Google Drive
  77. Stephen G Hall- Bretton Woods System | Google Drive
  78. Summary Analysis Of 1959 Nuclear War Hearings Not Full Testimony | Google Drive
  79. The Bretton Woods Agreements | Google Drive
  80. The Renaissance | Google Drive
  81. The Trans-Pacific Partnership – Strategic Implication | Google Drive
  82. TPP Agreement FULL TEXT | Google Drive
  83. Undang-Undang Bank Indonesia (UU 23 th 1999) | Google Drive
  84. Undang-Undang Bank Indonesia 23 th 99| Google Drive
  85. US Indonesia – Atomic Energy Peaceful Uses Treaty | Google Drive
  86. US Indonesia – Biological Weapon Treaty | Google Drive
  87. Vicomte Léon de Poncins – Judaism and the Vatican | Google Drive
  88. William R. Clark – Petrodollar Warfare | Google Drive

File Islamic Eschatology

  1. Ceramah Sheikh Imran – Islam dan Akhir Sejarah | Google Drive
  2. Ceramah Sheikh Imran – Islam dan Uang Masa Depan | Google Drive
  3. Ceramah Sheikh Imran – Khidr dan Akhir Zaman | Google Drive
  4. Ceramah Sheikh Imran – Pernikahan dalam Islam | Google Drive
  5. Imran N. Hosein – Al Qur’an dan Dimensi Waktu | Google Drive
  6. Imran N. Hosein – Al Qur’an, Ekonomi dan Kriminalitas | Google Drive
  7. Imran N. Hosein – Apakah Khilafah Suni Benar-benar Direstorasi di Irak | Google Drive
  8. Imran N. Hosein – Dinar Emas dan Dirham Perak, Islam dan Uang Masa depan | Google Drive
  9. Imran N. Hosein – Ihsan Spiritualisme Islam | Google Drive
  10. Imran N. Hosein – ISIS dan Israel Raya | Google Drive
  11. Imran N. Hosein - Islam and the Future of Money | Google Drive
  12. Imran N. Hosein – Islam,PBB dan Tatanan Dunia Baru | Google Drive
  13. Imran N. Hosein - Islamic Travelogue 1428-9 | Google Drive
  14. Imran N. Hosein - Khidr dan Akhir Zaman | Google Drive
  15. Imran N. Hosein - Khilafah, Hijaz dan Negara Bangsa Saudi Wahabi | Google Drive
  16. Imran N. Hosein – Larangan Riba dalam Al Quran dan Sunnah | Google Drive
  17. Imran N. Hosein – Madinah Kembali Menjadi Pusat Panggung Dunia pada Zaman Akhir | Google Drive
  18. Imran N. Hosein – Satu Amir Satu Jama’ah | Google Drive
  19. Imran N. Hosein – Sebuah Pandangan Islam Mengenai Yajuj dan Majuj pada Zaman Modern | Google Drive
  20. Imran N. Hosein – Surat al-Kahfi dan Zaman Modern | Google Drive
  21. Imran N. Hosein – Yerusalem dalam Al-Quran | Google Drive
  22. Imran N. Hosein & Angkoso Nugroho – Islam, Palestina dan Israel | Google Drive
  23. Ahmad Soekarno [ra] - Undang Undang Penarikan Diri RI dari IMF dan World Bank (UU no.1 Th 1966) | Google Drive
  24. al-Baghdadi Detainee File | Google Drive
  25. Alfred Hitchcock - The Synagogue of Satan | Google Drive
  26. Benjamin. H. Freedman - The Hidden Tyranny | Google Drive
  27. David B. Christ - Reza Kahlili - Inside Iran_s Revolutionary Guard | Google Drive
  28. Defense Intelligence Agency - ISIS | Google Drive
  29. F. William Engdahl - How IMF Methods Destroyed Indonesia - 1998 | Google Drive
  30. Homer E. Newell - A Recommended National Program of Wheater Modification - US Geoengineering | Google Drive
  31. IMF - Supported Programs in Indonesia, Korea, and Thailand - 1998 | Google Drive
  32. Jack B. Tenney - Zion’s Fifth Column | Google Drive
  33. John Perkins - Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (Bahasa Indonesia) | Google Drive
  34. Josh Pollack - Saudi Arabia and USA | Google Drive
  35. Mike Billington - The IMF Goes In For the Kill in Indonesia and Philipine - 2001 | Google Drive
  36. Muammar al-Qaddafi - The Green Book | Google Drive
  37. Noam Chomsky - 5 Books | Google Drive
  38. OPEC and the Seven Sisters | Google Drive
  39. Robert M. Cornejo - When Soekarno Sought The Bomb | Google Drive
  40. Stephen G Hall- Bretton Woods System | Google Drive
  41. The Bretton Woods Agreements | Google Drive
  42. The Trans-Pacific Partnership - Strategic Implication | Google Drive
  43. TPP Agreement FULL TEXT | Google Drive
  44. Undang-Undang Bank Indonesia (UU 23 th 1999) | Google Drive
  45. US Indonesia - Atomic Energy Peaceful Uses Treaty | Google Drive
  46. US Indonesia - Biological Weapon Treaty | Google Drive
  47. Vicomte Léon de Poncins - Judaism and the Vatican | Google Drive

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